Monday, August 30, 2010

finnish room

Hi, this is me from my finnish room, you know, just listening to some tunes.

not so exciting new today

Today was pretty boring, BUT, i randomly ran into Juuho and he made my day so much better! we drove Madeline and I around the city, showing us all the important things, like the liquor store, and finnish/russian border, and the art school that i will be taking classes in. I am much more excited about this building and my classes now. I also met my other roommate, from Norway/Sweden. She's blonde (duh) and 27 and is a jewelry major. Her work is very very good, really. I'm much more excited about school now. I think tonight will be a good night.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

7594 kilo. or 4719 miles

Hi, Mom and Dad and anyone else.
here are some pictures from finland so far.
Everything is smaller, proportionally more accurate i think.

My roommate, Madeline, from Germany. losing at pool while drinking dry cider. 1st night

my awesome new jean jacket, with Madeline again. She is taller than I am.

Another picture of Madeline and I in front of the canal (that is covered by our heads)

One of the art buildings that I will be studying in. very pretty.

the bed is very close to the computer because we could not hear the movie.

strange shower. i have to squeegee the bathroom naked. kind of weird.

This is our kitchen. We try and eat together, and that's nice.

Okay so this is all i have so far. More over the week I am sure. hopefully anyways. okaybye